Teeter's Telescopes Case Specifications and Construction

Construction Materials:

All cases are constructed from high quality 1/2" Baltic Birch (aka Appleply, Multi-ply, Hardwood Core Hardwood Veneer) plywood, with routed edges to give a greater gluing surface to ensure that you have an extremely rigid case. We use only the best materials, thus all of the joints of our cases are bonded with West Marine Epoxy, meant for use on boats, it gives superior adhesion to wood-glue and seals the joints so that they are water tight, ie. dew-proof.

All of the hardware used has a Bright Brass Finish to accent our variety of wood stains. To give our cases even more support away from the joints, we use a single brass hinge that spans the entire width of each case, a design much stronger than conventional 3" wide hinges employed on other cases.

All of the corners of our cases are protected with brass corner-protectors, we know that you will have these cases out in the field and they will be transported and the first place they get dinged are the corners. The corner protectors will help keep your investment looking like a million dollars.

We cut no corners, therefore you get five 6.5" carry-handles, three on the top allowing you to the carry the case at your side or in front of you, and one on each of the ends for an observing buddy to get one end and you the other.

Because you'll have these cases in the field and where conditions may get become damp and moist, each case has four feet on the bottom to lift it slightly off the ground so as to allow airflow and to keep the underside of the case dry. This also gives you the freedom of placing your case on the ground and not worry about the bottom of your investment becoming scratched, dinged or faded.

Stains and Finishes:

All of our cases come with a minium of three coats of wood stain to seal, protect and enhance the grain pattern. We then follow the stain up with a minimum of three coats of Gloss Marine Spar Varnish, again like the West Marine Epoxy, used primarily on boats but found on Teeter's Telescope Cases. It has excellent UV protection to keep the wood color the same 10 years down the road as when you bought it, to protect the wood from warping and distorting from moisture and to give an overall fantastic finish.

Our current stains are pictured below, in addition to the stain used on case seen above (Colonial Maple):



Red Mahogany

Foam Lining:

It may resemble a coffin on the inside, but this high density foam is more than enough to keep your scope from bouncing around. The bottom and lid of each case are lined with 2" thick foam, while sides are done in 1.5" thick. The inside length and width dimensions are made 1" shorter than your tube length and width to allow a snug fit. While some other scope cases contour to every curve of your scope, our's allows space for odds and ends like star atlases, eyepieces, solar filters, etc. Overall, the foam sandwiches the scope in a protecting embrace, though.

All of the foam is set in place with High Strength All-purpose Adhesive so there are no worries of the foam coming undone and becoming a nuisance.

Copyright 2002 Teeter's Telescopes