(See my article I wrote for my High School newspaper detailing this event)
Delmarva StarGaze, April '99 - Queen Anne, MD
This 18" f/4.5 scope shows up at every star party it seems and it keeps looking better and better. What a great piece of craftsmanship! This was the first star party that I got a chance to look through it; M63 was absolutely amazing! It actually looked like a galaxy, not a smudge as in my tiny 8" scope. :)
The scope in the distance is the Delmarva StarGazers' "6-inch scope in a day" scope which they build every year and then raffle off on Saturday night. It was being tested against a short-focus Celestron 6" which my father is pictured looking through. Image quality in the StarGazers' scope was nearly as good as those images in the Celestron 6" and the StarGazers' mirror wasn't even coated yet (it wouldn't be coated at the star party but rather the person who won the raffle would be given a check that would cover getting the mirror professionally coated).
Picture above (so big it all didn't fit into the frame of the picture!) is Kent Blackwell's 25" homemade scope. At last year's StarGaze he was talking about moving up in aperture from his 16" Stellafane-winning truss-dob, but I sure didn't believe him. It was a great surprise to see him wheel this big-boy out of his trailer (also pictured; far left) and set it up. It was like a Redwood in a forest of sapplings; it simply dwarfed everything around it.