 This was our set up in the Western corner of the field. You can see our 'AstroWagon', my yellow Dob and Dan's wonderfully accessible 18" Obsession. This was shot during the sunny Saturday afternoon. Similar conditions prevailed until about midnight of that night. |
 During both days, Friday and Saturday, you spot many gliders being flown overhead. Binoculars didn't only come in handy at night, but also during the day to check out the gliders and the planes towing them. Pictured is my father along with our 20x60 Bushnell binocs and Unimount binocular mount. |
 Parked next us were our friends, Lou Patrick and his son Phil. They have an 8" Orion Dobsonian (pictured) which has been modified, with a new homemade Crayford focuser and dew heaters. Reminds me a little of my Orion Dob! ;-> Also shown is their Edmund Scientific Astroscan which makes for a great rich-field-telescope to pan around the Milky Way. |
 Pictured (left to right) are our friends, Phil and Lou Patrick. Here they are goofing around trying to take a prime-focus photograph of the sun through their 8" Orion Dobsonian equipped with a full-aperture solar filter. Apparently they were able to catch some pretty amazing solar flares...hmmm... =) |