Eyepiece Projection and Prime-Focus of the Sun

Index | Fixed Tripod of Misc. Asterisms 
Eyepiece Projection of the Moon

Eyepiece projection at f/27 on FUJI 1600 ISO with a 1/125th second exposure.

Eyepiece projection at f/44 on FUJI 1600 ISO with a 1/60th second exposure.

Eyepiece projection; identical specifications stated for first image.

Primefocus of the Sun and 'Ursa Major'-resembling sun spots taken with my 76mm f/16 Refractor on Kodak Gold 800 ISO at 1/250th second exposure.

Sun and sunspots shot with a 76mm f/16 ASTRO Refractor (fitted with a full-aperture Thousand Oaks Type II solar filter) and Olympus OM1 SLR using eyepiece projection at f/27 with a 1/250 sec. exposure on Kodak Gold 400 ISO.

Again, sun and sunspots shot with the same specs. as above (shot same day also), however with a 1/125 sec. exposure.

Here is my first attempt at prime-focus photography. 76mm f/16 ASTRO refractor, Fuji SuperG 1600, 1/250th second exposure.