Delmarva StarGaze, April '99 - Queen Anne, MD

(See my article I wrote for my High School newspaper detailing this event)

Delmarva StarGaze, April '99 - Queen Anne, MD

This is Don Surles' scope of choice, a 17.5" Coulter Odyssey. The president of the Delmarva StarGazers spent both clear nights at the starparty tracking down faint-fuzzies in catalogs so obscure many people didn't even know they existed. What a monster scope!

Finally a scope whose tube color can compete with mine! It's close, but my scope definately jumps out and bites you more so than this scope. However, the owner of this scope is known for his killer Crayford focusers. His focusers appear every year on the "6-inch scope in a day" scope that the StarGazers have become so well known for.

This is definately a great combination of scopes; an Obsession (I believe) of unknown aperture (10", 12.5" ?) and an 8" Celestron Starhopper. What a showman; the owner lined them up specially for this shot too!

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