Orders Line: (732)-938-3618, prefered method, if you have any questions regarding a product you can have them answered in real-time.
Email (we usually respond same day): orders@teeters-telescopes.htmlplanet.com
Personal Check
Money Order
Different items take differing amounts of time to complete but the list below will give you an idea of what to expect after receipt of your order:
Teeter's Planetary Killers (all apertures), 45 days
Teeter's Original (all apertures), 60 days
Scope Cases (all sizes), 30 days
Eyepiece Racks (all styles), 7 days
Virgin Teflon (all sizes), 3 days
Engraved Brass Plaque (all designs), 14 days
All of our shipping, except for large items like entire telescopes and larger scope cases, is done through USPS Priority Mail. The customer pays for all shipping charges, which are given below, and are expected to be included with payment for the item.
Teeter's Planetary Killers and Teeter's Original, please inquire at time of purchase
Scope Cases (all but the very largest, ie. 48" to 60" length), $25
Eyepiece Racks, Virgin Teflon and Brass Plaques, $3.95
After completion of your item, expect to take delivery 3 days later.