Teeter's Planetary Killers Design Specs



 The system breaks down into three easy sets of components; the mirror box and rockerbox as one unit, the single-ring UTA and six truss poles.


 The first step of set up is to place each of the six truss poles into their respective truss blocks. See the Parts List for detailed information on the innovation ball and socket type truss connectors.

As you will notice, there are only six poles, the side facing the camera is left without truss poles, but not without support, see below.

 Each Teeter's Planetary Killer scope comes complete with a Night Owl Shroud, as pictured. Simply pull the shroud down over the bottom truss blocks and up over the UTA.

Teeter's Planetary Killer scopes are designed with a single aluminum ring UTA on which the focuser, finder bracket and spider are mounted. This design allows for ease of transport and a lighter front-end, meaning less counterweight in the back-end.

Connected to the focuser board are two high-strength bungee cords, which keep the shroud from collapsing in on that side and keep tension where there are no truss poles. Collimation? Right on everytime.


 The other end of the bungee cords connect to zinc-plated eyehooks mounted to the mirrorbox.

Also shown are the ball and socket truss mounting blocks, made by Moonlite Instruments. Tighten the handscrew on each block and that respective truss pole is locked in place.

 Teeter's Planetary Killer almost ready to observe.

 Now you're ready for nightfall. All Teeter's Planetary Killers come with a lightweight flat black foam light shield.

Since the focuser is so close to the end of the tube assembly, some form of light blocking device must be used past the focuser and we find this is the most convient, simply sliding over the UTA and into place.


 All of our telescopes come equipped with a 12volt 7amphour YUASA Gel-Cell battery for running the included 12v fans and optional SkyCommander Digital Setting Circles.

As a bonus for our customers, we include a free custom engraved name plate mounted on the scope.

Typical wording:

Teeter Planetary Killer

Custom Designed and Built by Rob Teeter for [your name].

   A close-up of the plate I had engraved for this particular scope.

Copyright 2002 Teeter's Telescopes